Sunday, April 14, 2013

Summer Prep!

With only a couple of weeks left of the semester, I personally have a mixed feeling when it comes to thinking of the summer time ahead. While I am very excited to have days of sleeping in, watching TV, spending time with family and friends, and going on vacation, I know there will be days where I will be so bored out of my mind. These days will consist of wishing I was back at school, in a place where I know I will be busy.

However, these days of boredom can possibly be actual days in which I can prep for the 2nd sesmester this fall! Here are some summer prep ideas and plans of mine:

Great reminder!
Photo Credit: Google Images
1.     Obtain the books for next semester and start 
      reading over them.
2.     Go back and review and read the Fundamentals skills learned this past semester.
3.     Go back and review the different systems learned in Physical Assessment this past semeseter.
4.     Practice the simple skills (ex. vital signs) once in a while this summer.
5.     Obtain a Nursing care plan book and read and 
     review over that.
6.     Obtain a NCLEX study guide book and start practicing NCLEX questions.
7.     Do about 10 NCLEX questions everyday.
8.     Possibly get a job (as a student nurse) or volunteer at a hospital in order to stay in the hospital/clinical mindset.

I believe that those are my serious preparation goals. 

Interesting T.V. Show
Photo Credit: Google Images
I do have one summer prep goal that I believe is a bit silly but I believe will be helpful!: 

To watch healthcare/medical–associated T.V. shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, House, and Bones.

Although these shows may be unrealistic when compared to real-life situations, they will constantly remind me of a hospital setting and situations that may happen in a hospital. Furthermore, some medical terms are said in these T.V. shows that I may or may not know, so I can remind myself of them or look them up to know what they are.

All these goals can easily be stated, but it is even harder to accomplish them!
I hope I can do my best this summer to be very prepared for the challenging semester ahead! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

T-E-A-M spells TEAM.

A fantastic & fun example of Teamwork.
Photo Credit: Google Images

While doing the lesson provided on Teamwork and Collaboration, I have learned that they both are so very important in not only the nursing profession, but in everyday life. I thought that the situation examples provided brought more of a realistic realization of what happens when there is non-effective teamwork and collaboration. It was terrible to see the negative effects that it causes on patients and the people in the situations. 

I have learned that in order to have effective teamwork and collaboration, everyone needs to be on the “same page” and understand what is going on. For anyone who deals with teamwork and collaboration in their life, it is important that they know whom they are working with. This may benefit them because they may be able to turn to those people for help in certain areas they may have knowledge in, and vice versa. As a student nurse and a licensed RN, I will make an effort to communicate with other disciplines in the best way possible. Their knowledge and my own knowledge can be very beneficial in regards to any patient’s healthcare.

All in all, communication is such a powerful tool, if used successfully. It can allow teamwork and collaboration to also work efficiently and in the end it will benefit the most important thing of all in healthcare: the patient’s safety.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nursing Study Buddies

Through my journey of college, I have met many people through my classes. Whether it was in general education classes or pre-requisite classes for my major, I have gained and developed many relationships. It is amazing to see that the pre-nursing friends I made freshman year have also achieved their desire to be in the nursing program. It is nice to know that some of them are either ahead of me or are alongside me in my cohort.

While I have made many friends from various sources around campus, there has been one that has sustained since my first semester. Through taking Anatomy and Physiology I and II together, living on the same hall in the dorms, and being in choir, I have gained a great friendship with a fellow individual in our cohort.

What stress does to us.
Photo Credit: Sandy Sue Arce
We have gone through many good times such as passing nursing pre-requisite classes, going on random adventures to the store late at night for candy, and In-N-Out runs. I am thankful for these awesome times. On the other hand, we have also had many bad times: getting no sleep, becoming distracted while working on homework and studying, and having those stressful and unmotivated days. Despite these bad times, going through college with this person has been quite an adventure.

She is not only a study buddy, but also a great friend. This individual is someone who is there for me and cares for me. I try my best to do the same for her! I think it is important to have amazing friends not only in nursing school, but in college and life in general. I would encourage anyone to take a look into their life to recognize and appreciate those people who are there for them. With that said, I do hope and wish to gain more long lasting friendships with people in my cohort as my journey in the program goes along! I love making new friends! 

First day wearing our uniforms!
Photo Credit: Sandy Sue Arce 
First all-nighter of Nursing school = no fun.
Photo Credit: Sandy Sue Arce

To anyone who reads this blog post, this entry is in recognition of my awesome nursing study buddy Katie Jo! I appreciate her and our friendship so much!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Balancing Life's Relationships

As I have gotten older, I have developed so many relationships over the years. There have been school friendships and church friendships. There have also been relationships between my relatives, both in America and overseas in the Philippines. However, the most important ones have been with my father, mother, and younger brother. I believe that I have gained so many friendships and relationships over the years. Although some of them have fallen apart, I am appreciative of the ones that have remained. 

Coming to college brought many more friendships into my life. Due to classes, events around campus, living in the dorms, and participating in one of the choir's, I have either been acquainted with many people on campus or acquired friendships that I hope will remain throughout the years. Nevertheless, I have learned that in order to keep a friendship growing strong, it takes two. It takes the effort of those two people in a relationship or friendship to keep it going. 

Before beginning Nursing school I already knew that my relationships with family and friends were going to be distant. I consider them to be important, however I also know that I have to make sure that I have time for homework and studying. Balancing relationships within life is definitely something that takes work and determination. 

Currently, I believe that the hardest relationships to balance in my life are the ones at school. For instance, last semester, my roommates and I have recently befriended some guys who live near us on campus. We have had fun by watching movies, eating meals together, and having random adventures. We have the most fun by playing Just Dance 4. Although hanging out with them is the most interesting and greatest fun I have had this year, I have to learn to balance these moments of growth in my relationships with all of them. 

A potential spot to eat a meal and catch up with a friend at the same time.
Photo Credit: Sandy Sue Arce
I have recently discovered that the best way for me to maintain and develop my relationships (for now, and especially during Nursing school) is for me to set up either a group or one-on-one lunch, dinner, or late-night meal. Through this, I feel like I am "killing two birds with one stone": 1. eating a essential meal of the day and 2. catching up with friends. I really feel like doing this at Brisco's or at the Alumni Dining Commons (ADC or Caf) would be an effective way for me to sustain my relationships and friendships. 

All in all, I truly value my relationships and friendships on campus and off. I feel terrible when I realize that I do not see as many of my friends as often as I would like. Or when I have to turn away plans with friends because I have to do homework or study. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with having occasional fun with friends. In the end, during this time of Nursing school, I really have to learn to balance these important aspects of my life.