Sunday, April 14, 2013

Summer Prep!

With only a couple of weeks left of the semester, I personally have a mixed feeling when it comes to thinking of the summer time ahead. While I am very excited to have days of sleeping in, watching TV, spending time with family and friends, and going on vacation, I know there will be days where I will be so bored out of my mind. These days will consist of wishing I was back at school, in a place where I know I will be busy.

However, these days of boredom can possibly be actual days in which I can prep for the 2nd sesmester this fall! Here are some summer prep ideas and plans of mine:

Great reminder!
Photo Credit: Google Images
1.     Obtain the books for next semester and start 
      reading over them.
2.     Go back and review and read the Fundamentals skills learned this past semester.
3.     Go back and review the different systems learned in Physical Assessment this past semeseter.
4.     Practice the simple skills (ex. vital signs) once in a while this summer.
5.     Obtain a Nursing care plan book and read and 
     review over that.
6.     Obtain a NCLEX study guide book and start practicing NCLEX questions.
7.     Do about 10 NCLEX questions everyday.
8.     Possibly get a job (as a student nurse) or volunteer at a hospital in order to stay in the hospital/clinical mindset.

I believe that those are my serious preparation goals. 

Interesting T.V. Show
Photo Credit: Google Images
I do have one summer prep goal that I believe is a bit silly but I believe will be helpful!: 

To watch healthcare/medical–associated T.V. shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, House, and Bones.

Although these shows may be unrealistic when compared to real-life situations, they will constantly remind me of a hospital setting and situations that may happen in a hospital. Furthermore, some medical terms are said in these T.V. shows that I may or may not know, so I can remind myself of them or look them up to know what they are.

All these goals can easily be stated, but it is even harder to accomplish them!
I hope I can do my best this summer to be very prepared for the challenging semester ahead!